
Steps to Operating an Industrial Kitchen!

Implementation and Operation of Industrial Kitchens Importance and Standards of Industrial Cooking in Industrial Kitchens

Industrial cuisine is one of the five axes of the evaluation indicators; strengthening this sector in any food-related business can be instrumental in improving the quality and quantity of food.

Industrial cooking involves the principles, principles and professionalism and stabilization of the cooking process. To achieve these results, three important steps in industrial cooking are crucial:
* Menu structure design (determined by capacity, formality level, type of food, time interval and location of the meal, etc.)
* Recipe food card formulation (expiry and sale price, taste stability, production consolidation, delivery and service)
* Baking machines and equipment (specialized level, location of production, budget and project layout etc.)
After defining the industrial culinary framework by defining the aforementioned, the four main parts of the kitchen should be defined as the definitions of constraints, indices of space. These four main sections include:
* Storage of raw materials (refrigerated, dry, cool, etc.)
* Preparation (red and white meat, vegetables, etc.)
* Production (hot kitchen, barbecue, etc.)
* Service (perception, cargo service, etc.)
The framework mentioned above should be incorporated in all industrial kitchens of all capacities. And their operational process starts from the warehouse and ends with the service department. Of course, besides this section, other areas are needed to complete services such as cloakroom, office laundry room and pot and so on. Considering the wide range of lateral spaces to define evaluation indices, production processes have been looked at; these processes are divided into three main sections, with their outlines as follows:
* Pre-production processes
* Manufacturing processes
* Post-production processes

Benefits and Indicators of Outsourced Professional Restaurants
To complement the content of the previous issue, titled “Quality Indicators of Standard Industrial Kitchen”, food-related businesses such as restaurants, fast food, coffee shops and halls are categorized as service providers. . Service packages have two types of “in-house” and “in-house”. The five intra-organizational indicators are presented in the preceding issue; this issue will further evaluate the intra-organizational indicators.
Relationship between indices and extracurricular indices are necessary and sufficient, respectively. This means that the purpose of providing services at a restaurant is to satisfy the customer, which is a prerequisite for the survival, development and promotion of a business. This is important given the level of restaurant service:
(voice of customer) customer voice *
* Customer Satisfaction System
* Customer complaint system
* Restaurant Customer Club (such as special, special, custom, special discount)
* communication with clients. (Such as advertising, texting, web and internet, etc.)
The above-mentioned components of international standards have been defined, most notably CRM, Iso 10001 and ISO10002, where deployment, training and certification can play a significant role in branding. Management should always put the international motto “Customer is right” as the forefront of business development. That is, evaluate customer reviews, complaints and suggestions, and then review the “component” correction. Five in-company initiatives. This way the business will be constantly expanded and upgraded. C) Increase sales and customer satisfaction, such actions will play a huge role in branding the business unit.
Finally, in order to start, develop and strengthen a food business, all parts of the indoor and outdoor units need to be balanced and balanced. Good, tasteful, economical, hygienic, and quality. To promote it should pay attention to technical-engineering issues (such as interior design, facades, furniture, etc.); or a collection of relatively low-end customers to promote advertising. And focus on delivering high quality services to increase market share and sales. However, in order to develop rationally, the following two major components must be addressed:
* In-house (industrial cooking, engineering, safety and health, formalities and catering, management)
* Outsourcing (advertising and marketing, customer voice, customer relationship, etc.)
How to evaluate the five components and customer relationship parameters will be discussed in the following issues, respectively.
Industrial kitchen interior design and decoration:
The interior design and decoration of an industrial kitchen consists of several components, as outlined below:
* Design and decoration of floors, multidimensional wall, flooring and more
* Furniture & Furnishings (Double, Quad & Multiple Seats, Guest Furniture & Baby Chairs etc.)
* Interior lighting (direct, indirect, hidden, lampshade, etc.)
* Decorations (boards, posters, advertisements, curtains, chandeliers, etc.)
In the design and interior decoration of color harmonies, the adaptation of interior design and decoration to the food menu, the selection and mix of materials and materials appropriate to the work, the use of functional design and forms, circulation and so on. Combining and diversifying the interior design along with delivering quality and delicious food, along with providing good service, guarantees the success of any food business:.
* There are three areas of engineering, mechanical and electrical installations in the technical-engineering section, which we will discuss below.
* Providing foundation maps, archery, columns and more
* Design and calculation of building structures to maintain the useful height of the kitchen and dining room
* Design and calculation of structures to maintain the useful height of the kitchen and dining room
• Making and designing suitable structures for decoration and interior design with the possibility of any changes.
• Mechanical installations:
• Hot and cold water, sewage and grease catcher.
• Air conditioning and venting.
• Heating and cooling system for temperature control.
• Fire and fire extinguishing system.
• Motor homes, water resources and more.
• Electrical Installations:
• Lighting system, switch and outlet.
• Emergency power system and fire alarm system.
• Single Phase and Three Phase Power.
• Electricity switchboard (ground connection).
• CCTV, network, telephone etc.

Technical-engineering department in industrial kitchens
In the previous sections, we have discussed extensively about industrial cuisine; in this section we will discuss the technical-engineering section. The technical-engineering sub-sections comprise four sections:
• Architectural design (including kitchen layout, architectural design and interior decoration.
• Structural design and calculation.
• Design and calculation of mechanical installations.
• Design and calculation of electrical installations.
Basically, each restaurant has two sections of “hall and kitchen” that should be designed in the hall, architecture and interior decoration and in the kitchen design layout. In the interior design, important elements such as color and lighting levels of the table and chairs, decorations, flooring, walls and ceiling are important.
In the design of the kitchen layout of the menu, the style of food has a great influence on the design. This design must encompass all principles, standards and rules. Generally referred to as industrial design. When designing a kitchen, the operating sections should consider the design rules, some of which are as follows:
• Design based on shortest path and working circular observation.
• Separation of different departments of warehouse, preparation and production.
Influential components of industrial kitchen design include the level of personnel specialized, the level of food delivery, production capacity, project location and device technology, and so on. Each affecting one of the general sections of the kitchen (warehouse, preparation, production and service).
• Stocks of raw materials (variety of goods, shopping periods, snacks, etc.).
• Preparation (menu variety, device technology, speed and production capacity, etc.).
• Production (specialized level of personnel employed, speed and capacity of production, variety of menu and how to deliver food, etc.).
• Service (ceremonial level of catering, speed and timing of catering, etc.).