
10 tips for keeping industrial kitchens safe

10 tips for keeping industrial kitchens safe

The cost of workplace injuries and illnesses, especially in the restaurant industry, imposes many costs annually on managers of industrial kitchens, restaurants, hotels, and so on. It is best to consider kitchen safety as a top priority for all restaurants.

There are standards for employees who perform the service work and receive weekly or monthly wages. Not only do you suffer staff injuries and absenteeism from the workplace not only incur the cost of treatment, but can also benefit It can also affect your employees.

The most important cause of injuries and illnesses in the service industry, which is problematic for staff, is the lack of safety in the workplace. Whether in a small coffee shop or a large fast food outlet, an industrial kitchen, these environments are extremely risky and dangerous to work with. Fortunately, these kitchens are very easy to prepare and secure.
Here are 10 simple and practical ways to keep your workplace and service staff safe that it is best to follow these simple rules in your kitchen.

۱ . Choose the right clothes

Employee uniforms are designed for two reasons: the first is to identify the staff and the second is to keep the staff clean and comfortable while serving customers, though most industrial kitchens are often required to wear them. However, proper footwear is ignored and this can cause multiple injuries to the kitchen staff.

To permanently keep employees safe, encourage them to wear closed-toe shoes. Paying attention to this small case can prevent injuries, ruptures and burns caused by falling objects such as knives, or by pouring hot oils, boiling water, or even chemical cleaners that cause severe burns on the skin. The materials used in these shoes should be waterproof and anti-slip.

۲ . Non-slip feet

Another essential safety product that prevents people from slipping into the kitchen is the anti-slip footrest. The kitchen floor is easily greasy when wet, and potentially slippery and greasy as staff move around the kitchen.

The slip-resistant legs provide the friction and traction necessary for employees to move at a fast pace, and they continue to operate without worrying about an accident.

۳ . Ventilation

The kitchen is immediately warm, smoky and unbearable without proper ventilation. The lack of ventilation creates unsafe working conditions for kitchen staff who have to be there for a long time and cook a variety of foods, and also put them at risk for heat-related illnesses.

A proper ventilation system is not only essential for the safety and convenience of kitchen staff, but is also a legal requirement. Failure to comply with legal requirements can lead to the closure and closure of your business. Make sure the air conditioner is properly installed in the kitchen and clean it occasionally to maintain good and proper operation.

۴ . Fire Extinguishing System

Fires are a constant hazard in industrial kitchens, and these fires start for a variety of reasons. One of the most common is burning oil. Unfortunately, and sprinkling a drop of water on it cannot contain the fire.

The best way to burn a kitchen is by a fire extinguisher. These systems are connected to both gas and hood lines and will quickly cut off the fuel source during a fire. As a secondary action, nozzles are installed in the air conditioner hoods, which also spray the fire extinguisher.

۵ . Fire safety training

As mentioned above, firefighting is essential to maintaining workplace safety, just as important is training staff on how to use it, as well as training employees on general safety tactics during fires. It is important. You can coordinate a training day with your local fire department, which is an effective way to ensure the safety of kitchen staff.

Employees need to know the exact location of fire extinguishers and blankets as well as how they operate. They should learn how to use a fire extinguisher manually, first aid burns and perform CPR.

۶. Kitchen fire drain and drain exercises

Maintaining fire safety should be a top mental priority of all restaurant employers and take it quite seriously. In addition, training and working with safety products, regular fire safety training exercises should be part of your employees’ safety and health plan.

Regular workouts will familiarize employees with fire emission reduction practices, the best ways to evacuate hazardous areas. These trainings and training will also reduce staff preparedness to reduce potential harm to them, customers and restaurant owners in times of danger and fire.

۷ . Protective equipment

Industrial kitchen utensils or equipment, such as cutters, grates, mixers, essentials of any industrial kitchen. While these tools make it easier for employees to prepare meals, they can put employees at risk of injuries and injuries if they do not work properly. It is best to provide kitchen appliances with protective equipment to prevent any risk of cuts or tears that may threaten personnel. This prevents the hands or fingers from slipping and slipping into the devices they are working on.

۸. Mark

Sometimes, slipping and falling into the kitchen is one of the unspoken dangers in industrial kitchens, such as when the floor is damaged or newly cleaned surfaces, which raise the risk of falling or slipping. The kitchen is crowded and the staff is fast and moving, it is best to use appropriate signage to prevent accidents and this small thing can make the kitchen a safe environment for staff.

Make sure service personnel use signs to indicate a slippery surface. These signs should be in bright, high contrast colors to attract people’s attention. Encourage staff to quickly clean up when materials are leaking on the kitchen floor or elsewhere, to use signs to indicate a slippery location, or to alert other colleagues that the area is dangerous and when crossing it with greater caution. .

۹. Occupational Health and Safety Education

Occupational health and safety training is important for all employees in all industries, there are certain risks that you need to train your staff to make sure the kitchen is safe. One of the best ways is to consider a specific day for workplace health and safety training. In these tutorials, try to address important topics such as lifting techniques, how to store food properly, how to avoid stress in repetitive injuries, or how to avoid potential dangers in the kitchen and more.

۱۰. Proper use of cleansing techniques

Poor hygiene in the kitchen is dangerous not only for customers, but also for staff working in the kitchen. Foodborne illnesses are one of the main reasons that threaten employees and require rest and loss of many working days. To keep staff safe, teach them how to use cleansing techniques with the right hygiene products. The same simple training can assure you that they have a clean and healthy work environment and also reduce the risk of food-borne illnesses to your customers.


Kitchens are one of the most dangerous workplaces. Together, flames and fuel, chemical detergents, sharp food preparations are just some of the dangers hidden in this kitchen.

The safety of industrial kitchens should be a top priority for any restaurant, hotel, or…. You can increase the security of these workplaces by observing a number of the above tips. These safety tips also protect your employees from various injuries and accidents, and make them deliberately transformed into a safe, vibrant yet successful environment.